Thursday, August 14, 2008

Week Six

Below you can view video clips of our interns reading a poem they like as well as one of their own.

Robert Pinsky began the "My Favorite Program" project as former Poet Laureate of the United States, videotaping hundreds of people reading their favorite poems. To see some of them, go to:

This week interns have been very busy reading at two poetry reading open mics (Soul Fire at the Miramar Theater and Redletter open mic at Woodland Pattern Book Center) and receiving feedback from the audiences.

We have also developed a flyer for our reading on August 28, and have written a collaborative letter to the Milwaukee School Board and Aldermen/women, as well as to the Journal/Sentinel arguing for the reinstatement of arts in the schools. We believe we have an original argument!

We have also had guest speakers from Woodland Pattern and our own director, Meghan Koven, on the "brass tacks" of non-profit business in the arts. We also received valuable tips on marketing from these sources.

It has been a very productive week! Enjoy the videos!

Kathleen Dale
Lead Artist

1 comment:

Marilyn Taylor said...

Wow, what sensational videos! I've had a great time tonight reading and listening to every single post on your blog, and I'm really looking forward to meeting all of these talented interns on Wednesday.

Great work! --

Marilyn Taylor